3 Spindle Drill Press

Cnc Drill Line Highway

This Morse Taper chuck adaptor allows you to use standard parallel shank drill bits when drilling smaller diameters. It allows a maximum drill diameter of ?� (12mm) and a minimum diameter of 3/64? (1mm)

GSS Machinery's magnetic brush, broom and magnet brush help to remove chips from machines and sweep up chips on the floor.

The Advantage-2 carbide drill line utilizes automatic tool changing technology and completely electronic ball screw feed spindle motion. This combined with Voortman' renowned build quality and mechanical design provide the ultimate combination of agility and strength.

Voortman's CNC Beam Drill Lines are often included in a combined Drill Saw Line or even in larger fully automated integrated production lines, also referred to as Multi System Integration. Find out more about it below!

Cnc Drill Line And Tap Machine

Cnc Drill Line And Tap Machine

The CNC Drill Line can lay out and drill all of your holes in any type of steel profile in fractions of the time that it takes to do manually with a mag drill. It also marks all your welded attachments, eliminating the need to use a tape measure.

Project completion times are greatly reduced when you can mill. Combining Advantage-2's user-friendly Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software, the operator can quickly program parts. You can view, modify, export and export parts information right from the 3D platform. Advantage-2 drills have many advantages, including the ability to scribe and mill slots and large lifting holes. This really sets the machine apart. We can use the scribing to create piece marks, layout lines and center points. That flexibility to use it when and how we choose has been amazing.

Cnc Drills Line Indexable

Voortman's 24-hour tech support can resolve 90%, but there is an extensive network of 50+ Voortman service personnel who are stationed in North and South America as well as Europe, Africa and Asia.

The Advantage-2 CNC beam drill line with its powerful material handling support, meticulous measurement capabilities and high speed designs are ideal for tandem installations with any of Voortman' automatic sawing systems.

Cnc Drills Line Indexable

Cnc Drill Types

Material handling helps tie multiple CNC machines together and keep material flowing through a shop allowing fabricators to continually grow as their business expands. The Advantage-2 high-speed drill line alone processes up to 150 tons of steel on average per 40-hour workweek. The ideal drill line for small to large fabricators the world over. Full stop. The success of the steel industry is Voortman' top priority. That is why our service and support is unmatched. Request a demo, quote, visit or call to learn more about the toughest steel fabrication machinery in the world. This is Voortman and we are stronger than steel.

Voortman has shaped today�s CNC beam drill line standard with time-tested technology. The Advantage-2 processes an average of 150 tons of steel per work week with the most efficient drilling, milling, scribing, tapping and countersinking operations.

Cnc Beam Line

Voortman has designed the CNC Drill Line exclusively for GSS Machinery. Voortman is responsible for the installation, warranty, and service of the CNC Drill Line. Voortman handles the installation, warranty and service work on the CNC Drill Line. However, GSS Machinery is always available to assist if necessary.

CNC Drill Line offers the most affordable CNC beam drilling line available today, which allows the fabricators to win more jobs and make more margin.

Cnc Drills Line Indexable

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We have installed more than a thousand CNC Drill Line and angle lines throughout the world and we have found that the average operator, who has never before programmed a machine before, can become efficient on the machine in less than 1/2 day.

A 4-axis layout attachment eliminates human error from manual layout methods. The part information can still be used after blasting, painting, or galvanizing.

Cnc Drill Line Highway

Frequently Asked Questions

How big a beam should span 24 feet? A 4 nailed 2x18, 4-2x18, or 8x18 wood beam will allow you to span 24ft. For a span of 24 feet, you'll need at least 4-2x18 or 8x18 wood beams.

Drill Lines Wire Rope Bright drill lines are made from a multi-threaded, twisty wire rope. It is specially designed for drilling rigs as well as hoisting and lowering the drill pipes through a wellbore. As it is constantly in motion, the wire rope construction is very durable and resists abrasion.

3) Calculation for depth and width of continuous beam. Total depth = Effective depth + Diameter of Bar/2 + Clear Cover Size. The beam width is Depth/1.5. Beam width should not exceed 200mm The beam's total depth is the effective depth minus the diameter of the bar/2 and clear cover size.

Section modulus (Z) is another property that can be used in beam design. Designing beams is crucially important because it determines the section modulus of the crosssectional shape. It is an indicator of the strength of the beam.

Frame structures or special structures can use a T beam. A single RC beam should be used if the load is very low. A double RC beam is recommended for intermediate loads. If the load is extremely high, we should use the T beam at an intermediate beam and the L beam at its edge.